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The Golem

She was sure she could remember being a woman of substance

Quite recently in fact

But now she couldn’t remember how

The last few months of worry had taken their toll

Left her insides dessicated

And somewhere they had fallen out

She was sure she’d had resilience,

She had had fight

But now she was only sore

Her emptied insides sparking with the last few dusty iron filings

That scratched as she scraped around in search of herself

Nevertheless she lifted her tired bones


She hoped,

Those shrivelled bits of herself would offer themselves up

Like a trail of breadcrumbs


Or perhaps there was a reason that they had decayed

Rotted down through lack of honest care, respect and attention

She had looked to others for this in the past

Perhaps that was her biggest mistake

But this mulch of past expectation

Of dashed hopes and dead dreams

Made for a dark but well prepared

Compost of experience that might allow new insides to grow

She rose up with this hollow frame

Filled it with breath and a statement of intent

Then a golem of her own making

Tried to stoke the fire in her belly

Even as it was only embers

To baptise those dormant seeds inside with a fire of her own making

And shuddered on

Hopefully to recovery

And on to better things

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